A Reading Hack That Saves A Heap Of Time!

Speed-reading is a real skill, and with a few clever techniques, you can read faster without turning your brain into mush. Here’s how to do it! 🚀

1. Stop Reading Every Single Word 🛑📖

Let’s be real, you don’t need to read every single word to understand a passage. Your brain is amazing at filling in gaps. Instead of reading word-for-word, try chunking: grouping words together and processing them as a unit. For example:

❌ “The sun was setting behind the hills, casting a golden glow over the landscape.”

“Sun setting – golden glow – hills”

See? You still get the meaning, but you’re saving time. Practise this with simpler texts first, then move on to more complex material.

2. Use Your Peripheral Vision 👀✨

Most people only focus on the centre of a sentence, but your peripheral vision can help you take in more at once. Instead of fixating on each word, let your eyes glide smoothly across the page. Try this trick:

  • Place your finger in the middle of a line and move it across while keeping your eyes soft-focused on the words ahead.
  • Over time, your eyes will naturally start to capture more words at once.

This trick is especially useful for scanning a text to get the general idea before diving deeper.

3. Ditch the Inner Voice (a.k.a. Subvocalisation) 🗣️🚫

Do you “hear” the words in your head as you read? That’s subvocalisation, and it slows you down. While it’s fine for deep comprehension, it’s not ideal when you need to power through revision material. To silence your inner voice:

  • Hum or chew gum while reading (sounds weird, but it works!).
  • Use a pen or your finger to guide your eyes faster than your voice can keep up.
  • Read key words rather than whole sentences.

4. Skim First, Read Later 📜🔍

If you’re dealing with a huge chunk of text, don’t dive straight in. Instead, skim first:

  • Read headings, subheadings, and bold words – these give you clues about key points.
  • Look at the first and last sentence of each paragraph – they usually summarise the main idea.
  • Only go back and read in detail if you need to.

This is a game-changer for revision when you need to quickly grasp the main ideas before memorising specifics.

5. Use a Pointer (Yes, Really!) ✏️➡️

Ever noticed how your eyes wander when you’re tired? Using a pointer (your finger, a pen, or even a cursor on a screen) keeps your eyes focused and moving. Just move it smoothly across the text, increasing speed as you improve.

Try it, you’ll be surprised how much faster you read when your eyes have a guide!

6. Practice with Timed Reading Challenges ⏳📚

Like any skill, speed-reading improves with practice. Set a timer for one minute and see how much you can read while still understanding it. Try it daily and track your progress; you’ll get faster and better at absorbing information.

Pro tip: Start with easy material (blogs, articles, or even texts) and work up to trickier subjects like exam papers and textbooks.

7. Know When to Slow Down 🐢⚡

Speed-reading is great, but not for everything. For deep comprehension (like analysing poetry or tricky exam questions), slow down and focus. The key is knowing when to speed up and when to go for full understanding mode. Mix both techniques and you’ll be unstoppable!

Final Thoughts 🎯

Speed-reading is not about rushing through words – it’s about reading smarter, not harder. With practice, you’ll power through revision like a pro, leaving more time for Netflix (or sleep – we’re not judging!). Give these techniques a go and see how much time you save.

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About the Author: The Lightup Hub

GCSE English can feel like a maze of tricky quotes, confusing essay structures, and endless revision – but we make it simple. The Lightup Hub is your all-in-one online platform, designed to take the stress out of studying and help you boost your grades fast. Created by the expert team at Lightup Tutoring, we break down everything you need to know – from exam hacks and top-tier analysis to personalised revision plans and interactive quizzes. No fluff, no confusion, just straight-to-the-point resources that take complex topics and simplify them to actually help.

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